I-am-knot on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/i-am-knot/art/Did-you-not-see-the-signs-415463492I-am-knot

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Did you not see the signs?



Okay, first of, if you haven't seen Antony C :iconantonyc: and BronyCurious :icontommyoliverdraws: review of A Canterlot Wedding already, go and do so now.
Here, I'll even give you the link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=y36UT2…

This piece is basically the thing they say right at the end. Now to those who wish to debunk this headcanon...Why? Why not let people enjoy different views?

Thirdly. (Wow a lot of writing this time.) I have been planning on making this piece for quite some time now. And I kind of put it off because I knew it would be quite time consuming. But after watching ziom05's :iconziom05: art. And completely imploding due to his awesomeness. I just had to get it done. His art really inspired me.

And lastly, click download if you want to see this in it's original size. I hope you enjoy it!
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3840x2160px 9.85 MB
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So was there never a Luna, or did Chrysalis get rid of her?